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Virtual Staging

Stage  Declutter  Renovate

Virtual Staging


Staging properties is a practice that uses stylish furniture to help future clients visualize themselves in a space with the end goal of renting or selling properties faster and for more money. Why not reduce the cost of traditional staging and give virtual staging a try? Digitally transform cold and abandoned rooms into more exciting and livable spaces that suit the style of the whole property. Catch the interest of online clients right away by showing the possibilities of interior spaces; Show that a small room can still be functionable, fill overwhelmingly large spaces, or simply warm up, brighten or modernize rooms that need a little help.

With quick turnaround, low costs, and an abundance of styling, virtual staging can be one option to improve a listing's activity and success. In my "past life" working with an interior design company, I led a team of virtual designers who transformed designers' concepts into personalized 3D spaces. This revolutionized a client's ability to quite literally picture their final designs in their own personal home. Clients were wow'ed at the possibilities: Interior spaces came to life in mesmerizing ways that positively affected the viewer's perspectives. In this same manor, virtual staging of real estate can digitally place furniture and decor into a photo of an empty room, remove unwanted items from an existing photo, or go as far as removing all of the current furniture in a space and redoing its furnishings and styling altogether. The possibilities are endless with virtual staging, and it can be yet another tool to boost a property's photo-telling experience.

Virtual Staging

Transform Photos

Use our HDR photos of your property and fill them with a full suite of furniture and decor tailored to the design style of your choice or what best suits the property's personality. The angles and proportions of the virtual items match the perspective of the photo to best render a virtually staged scene.


Let's collaborate and push boundaries with various project ideas! We can do a full sweep of a room's current condition and change it to your preference, or go even further and change the layout of the room itself and design from there!

Remove Unwanted Items

Sometimes we just can't get things to our liking before the photoshoot occurs, but there's nothing to fret about because our services can edit out unwanted items.

Book an Appointment

We'll go just about anywhere, and have extremely flexible schedules!

Virtual Staging

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